Damian Harper - Show Notes

In this episode Damian Harper and I discuss some of his work through his PhD looking at ‘Determinants of Proficient Deceleration’. Damian is currently a Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology and Performance Conditioning at York St John University.

Further Reading:

Isokinetic strength qualities that differentiate rapid deceleration performance in male youth academy soccer players

Damaging nature of decelerations: Do we adequately prepare players?

Relationships between eccentric and concentric knee strength capacities and maximal linear deceleration ability in male academy soccer players

The potentiating effects of flywheel eccentric overload on sprint acceleration and deceleration performance

Isokinetic strength qualities that differentiate rapid deceleration performance in academy male youth soccer players

Assessment of deceleration ability and relationship to approach speed and eccentric strength

Efficient deceleration: The forgotten factor in tennis-specific training

Using accelerometry to quantify deceleration during a high-intensity soccer turning manoeuvre

Concentric or eccentric training effect on eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage

Assessment of deceleration ability and relationship to approach speed and eccentric strength

Understanding deceleration in sport

Leg joint function during walking acceleration and deceleration

The ten to five repeated jump test. A new test for evaluation of reactive strength

Getting in contact with Damian:

Twitter: @DHMov

RG: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Damian_Harper/research

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