Shyam Chavda - Show Notes

In this episode Shyam Chavda and I discuss key performance indicators and the technical model associated with weightlifting performance. Shyam is the technical tutor for sport science at Middlesex University, London. He teaches across multiple degree programmes and acts at the universities head weightlifting coach, plus he is currently a performance scientist for British Weightlifting.

Further Reading:

Performance evaluation of Olympic weightlifters.

Unsuccessful vs. successful performance in snatch lifts: a kinematic approach

Comparative kinematic analysis of the snatch lifts in elite male adolescent weightlifters

Biomechanics of the snatch technique of highly skilled and skilled weightlifters

The pull in Olympic weightlifting

Anthropometric measurements, somatotypes and physical abilities as a function to predict the selection of talents junior weightlifters

Anthropometry and barbell trajectory in the snatch lift for elite women weightlifters

A gender-based kinematic and kinetic analysis of the snatch lift in elite weightlifters in 69-kg category

Relationships of isometric mid-thigh pull variables to weightlifting performance

Force-time curve characteristics of dynamic and isometric muscle actions of elite women olympic weightlifters

The relationship between vertical jump power estimates and weightlifting ability: a field-test approach

Analysis of bar paths during the snatch in elite male weightlifters

Comparison of the snatch technique for female weightlifters at the 2008 Asian Championships

Kinematic and kinetic synergies of the lower extremities during the pull in Olympic weightlifting

The impact of power clean ability and training age on adaptations to weightlifting-style training

Determining the best combination of ground reaction force parameters for maximising power during the power snatch

Evaluating the contribution of lower extremity kinetics to whole body power output during the power snatch

Biomechanical comparison of unilateral and bilateral power snatch lifts

Biomechanics of the snatch: Toward a higher training efficiency

Snatch technique of collegiate national level weightlifters.

Kinematic analysis of the snatch lift with elite female weightlifters during the 2010 World Weightlifting Championship

Kinematic analysis of the snatch lift with elite female weightlifters during the 2010 World Weightlifting Championship

Reviewing current knowledge in snatch performance and technique: the need for future directions in applied research

Getting in contact with Shyam:


Twitter: @Shy_2tweet




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